Our citrus blend of Orange and Lemon wood gives a distinct zesty and fruity smoke to foods. Both these woods burn with a subtle smoke so a low and slow method of cooking is highly recommended here to ensure maximum flavour is added. An absolute must to try with fish and also works great with poultry and pork.
Citrus Mix can also be added with Oak or Alder to give a punchier smoke but retaining the zesty finish.
This BBQ & smoking wood is made from 100% pure, bark-free, additive-free wood and can be used on charcoal and gas barbecues. These chips are perfect for hot smoking.
Besides food and nice people, a good barbecue is about 3 things: heat, time and smoke. To create good flavour improving smoke, choose the correct wood from our range.

Tips for smoking with wood chips:
Wood chips can go directly on to coal barbecues for instant smoking flavour. For extended smoke time and increased flavour, soak the chips in water for approximately 30 minutes before adding them to the coals or to a smoker box. When using a gas barbecue a smoker box will be required.
3 Litre Packs Weigh Approximately 850g.